Average at best.
Right person wrong time.
Pretty but not gorgeous.
Seconds in your favorite song.
We’ve decided to go with someone else.
21 on the ACT
I didn’t get to say goodbye.
It’s not you, it’s me.
You didn’t make weight.
I’ve started to explore other options.
Budget cuts.
Bottom of the barrel.
Losing in overtime.
You missed the mark.
If we don’t call your number, thank you for coming.
9 out of 10.
Bathrooms shared between sisters.
It’s not personal.
Insufficient funds.
Cold cases.
Minutes on the clock.
The last one was just sold this morning.
You caught us at the wrong time.
Objection, your honor.
It pains me to tell you.
Embraces from loved ones.
Unmet quotas.
Forgotten birthdays.
I hope you understand.
Better luck next year.
Glass half empty.
50 miles til E.
You just missed her.
Brussels sprouts left on the plate.
A dog’s lifespan.
The final boarding call has been made, and the gate is now closed.
Empty chairs that used to be filled.
Getting woken up ten minutes before your alarm.
Pepperoni slices on a frozen pizza.
Who’s your friend?
Missed it by an inch.
Sorry’s after the damage is done.
So close.
Not quite enough.
All of my love,
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